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Lucas and Julia, backyard wedding at Indian Hill, OH

I absolutely love backyard wedding, especially if it's Indian Hill backyard wedding.

Just a small circle of fav people and family, very intimate atmosphere but at the same time very unique. Tons of details was involved and I love everything about it. Thank you for beautiful flower arrangement and design.

Let's talk about people energy and how it works. Julia and Lucas (LULIA) are absolutely a great match, the same sense of humor, love to wine and a true passion that they share. She is a doctor, he is not (I don't remember who said that, probably Lucas brother during his speech).

The reception part was absolutely the best, I smiled from ear to ear, so many good jokes and laugh. LOVE LOVE LOVE that vibe.

So many words, sorry, enjoy my fav from LULIA'S wedding as Lucas brother said.


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