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Levy + Kelsie || Steam Plant Wedding, Dayton

THIS WEDDING. Holy cow. Definitely one of my favorite weddings I’ve ever shot. I absolutely loved, LOVED working with these babes. They are so easy to shoot – I hardly had to direct at all as their comfort level with each other was off the charts. As much as I love directing it is so to throw out a few suggestions and have the couple just run with it. These two are so in love with each other and couldn’t stop giggling and smiling the whole time. Also, can we talk about this cool Steam Plant venue in Dayton?! It was a new location for me and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Industrial, modern, urban, everything I love! New locations always provide new inspiration for me and this one definitely did just that.

Some of my favorite parts of weddings are when personal details are added and this one was no exception. That beautiful bouquet you see, all decorations made with love! Stunning! Talk about perfect.

Kelsie chose her Carrie Karibo dress (simply stunning) and rich green bridesmaid dresses, which perfectly respond to her wedding ideas. I would say ideal wedding, ideal couple, ideal dress, everything was on top!

Enjoy my favs (it's a lil bit too much I know, but I couldn't narrow down the gallery!!!)


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